In any case, it is impossible to go wrong so long as we never forget that the only proper treatment for ourselves and for others is to make ever more radical demands.
Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Everyday Life
Nieczytelne (Illegibles) is a translational, editorial, theoretical, distribution and publishing project – and probably something else. We are doing it guerrilla-style, with what we’ve got, focusing on what many might find new, provocative, radical or iconoclastic – anarchic but not only. We're based in Poland, but aspire to make a global impact.
Dominant political theories and narratives – as mediocre as capitalist reality itself – do not satisfy us. We prefer ideas that are either as practical as hammering nails or as overly epic as heroic myths. And above all, we love it when they allow us to write our own heroic stories – both tangible and exciting – that we can then pass on to others, rather than worship dead images of past revolutions.
We also want to get out of the ideological trenches and reinvigorate our conversations, instead of having debates as predictable as positional warfare; to meet others in no man’s land and map out new directions together. But for that we need a new global perspective that will allow us to place our thinking and doing in a broader context – and actually see a way out of the current situation.
All of this is neither solely for the radicals, nor for the masses. We reach out to each and every one of you individually because we see real potential in us – people who feel similarly, have similar fascinations, inclinations and obsessions. We know that we are everywhere, in almost every environment and political option. We – those misaligned, looking for escape routes, other perspectives, means, ways of life and for each other – make quite a crowd. We’re also the seeds of an (anti-)political force that will be able to do something about this shitty world.
And so we work with post-leftist, postanarchist, ultra-leftist, anti-civ texts and any others that push the boundaries of what is (anti-)politically imaginable. We set a course towards a constant radicalisation of ideas, actions and form, so that we never become complacent. We tackle everything that is new, incomprehensible and illegible to us, so that we can start asking questions again (because, seriously, we often don’t know what the author(s) meant), instead of sticking to the old answers.
If you want to write something, help us with translations or publish something with us – reach out!