How to find yourself in the present?
How to bring out its radical capabilities?

The vision of Revolution haunts anti-capitalist theory. If it is believed that the World and life cannot be changed for the time being (without risking reformyism) then the only hope indeed lies in the Revolutionary Masses peering over the horizon of the future. The future, however, is a false promise; real change does not belong to it, rather, it is already occurring. Everything is already here, here and now: other lives and other worlds.
There are as many ways to fight the current order, as many unique possibilities, as many different conditions of life - queer, domesticated, wild, trapped, nomadic, indigenous, and so on. They may not have the seeds of a future society, but there are certainly the ingredients needed to destroy it. By dismantling the ways in which our lives are conditioned and managed, something completely different can grow up here and now.
Then there is how we ourselves live. Everything matters: where do we live, according to what rhythms we function, where do we get our food from, how do we take care of ourselves, how do we live with our friends and how do we approach our enemies. All of these things add up to ways of living that really make a difference. They surpass all the achievements and gains of past Revolutions and allow us to join in those already underway.
In contrast, instead of one global capitalist world, there are many worlds constantly at war with each other. Some of them are hostile and fit only for destruction, while others are friendly. To say "all reality is capitalist" and wait for the Revolution is resignation in the face of these current-revolutionary other realities. Our "other worlds" are not "possible," - they already exist, here and now. You can find yourself through them and live - differently.